Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Job!!

A quick update for anyone out there still reading -- I got a new job! I am still working for the Florida National Guard, but now I'm serving as the Public Affairs Officer for the 125th Fighter Wing in Jacksonville.

It's a great move for me for a couple of reasons. First, it's more secure -- it's a permanent job, whereas the position I've been in for the past two years was not. Also, it's a sort of promotion, and includes a raise that is big enough to cover the new baby's daycare. Last (but certainly not least), I get to work on the same base as David, which means we'll get to carpool and have lunch together some days!

I started last Monday, and have been working on getting settled in, meeting new people and trying to figure out what exactly it is that I do there! A new job is always a little unnerving for me. I'm a perfectionist and its important to me that people think I'm competent and doing a good job. So whenever I start a new job, I always feel sort of like I'm a fraud -- not really qualified for the position -- and it's only a matter of time until they figure it out! Until then, I guess I'll just have to "fake it until I make it"!

Overall I'm excited -- it's nice to have a change of scenery. I'm not sure if it's my military upbringing or just my nature (or maybe a little bit of both), but I always get some "wanderlust" after a couple of years. I need new challenges, new responsibilities, new coworkers. I was starting to feel a little complacent at my last job -- which is the feeling that precedes burnout for me. So this came at the perfect time.

Anyway, more to come -- there is lots to fill you in about the pregnancy, and photos from my recent trip to DC with David!

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