Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tomorrow my life is going to change.

Tomorrow is my scheduled c-section. My due date is actually Thursday, Nov. 4th, which puts me at about 39.5 weeks. Because I was induced at about 38.5 weeks with Sam, I have literally never been this pregnant. I am big. When I say big, I mean ridiculously, outrageously, I-don't-even-blame-people-for-asking-if-I'm-having-multiples huge.

To demonstrate my point, here are two photos of my belly from tonight's trick or treating adventure (read on for details about that...)!

As you can imagine, with this massive size comes massive discomfort on many levels. I am READY to have this baby. My countdown started days ago, but now that there are literally only hours left (14, to be precise), the gravity of what is about to happen is finally starting to hit me.
Tomorrow, I will become a mother again. Tomorrow, I will make David a father again, and Sam a big brother. Tomorrow, I will meet the person who has been growing inside me -- kicking me, frustrating me, amazing me -- for nine long months. Tomorrow, I will transform our family. Tomorrow, my heart will explode with love and joy and gratitude. Tomorrow is going to be one of the happiest days of my life.
Tomorrow, everything will change.
I can't wait.

Halloween :)

Happy Halloween!!

Wow, this year was SO much fun. Sam is old enough now that he can at least understanding a little bit of what's going on. We asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween, and he told us in no uncertain terms -- SPIDERMAN! Grandma bought him his costume, which he has been begging me to wear every single day. Over the past week or two, we've been getting him prepped by telling him that Halloween was coming up, that he was going to get to wear a "Spiderman outfit," and that he would go knocking on doors saying "Trick or treat" and getting candy. Some days, the very first thing out of his mouth in the morning would be "Trick or treat? Halloween?? Spiderman outfit???" I hated letting him down day after day, but was really looking forward to the day when I could say, "Yes,'s today!!"

That day -- finally -- was today! In the morning, we headed over to my parents' house to carve pumpkins...and by we, I of course mean that poor David got stuck doing most of the real work. But Sam was sort of into it, helping out a little. After lunch and a nap, we headed back home, where my Mom, sister Moon (or "Momo," as Sam calls her) and nephews Lucas and Daniel met us for dinner before trick or treating.

After dinner, it was finally time for Sam to get into his Spiderman costume -- and you have never seen a cuter, more excited Spiderman! He was A-DOR-A-BLE. I can't stress it enough. I was worried that he would only wear the mask for a few minutes, since kids are notorious about hating to have masks on, but he wore it the WHOLE TIME. I mean, from the minute we put it on him, through getting back in the front door after the last house, he would not remove that mask. I think he really thought he was Spiderman -- every few houses he would crounch down, stick out his finger and say, "I shoot web! PSSST!" Seriously, adorable.

A whole gang of little kids and their parents from the neighborhood hit every single house in our development (all 34 of them!), and after that we headed home. Sweet boy that he is, he only asked for a couple pieces of candy, and then willingly took off his costume and let us put him to bed. It was a completely successful night, and it couldnt have gone smoother or been more fun. I am SO glad that I decided to schedule my c-section for the day after Halloween, so that I could have the opportunity to do this with him.
Some photos to enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weight Ultrasound -- 37.5 Weeks

So these are the last ultrasound photos we will get for this little one. What does everyone think -- boy or girl?? Most people are saying boy, but I have a few who are still thinking girl -- wishful thinking perhaps!
The reason I got to have an ultrasound this late in my pregnancy is because I went in for an appointment yesterday, and I was measuring a bit too big for how far along I am. So my doctor ordered a weight ultrasound, which I had this morning. I had one of these with Sam too, for the very same reason. The tech this morning said that this baby is weighing in at a little more than 8 pounds right now, which puts him/her in about the 92nd percentile for his/her gestational age. They told me that babies tend to put on about half a pound a week from this point on, which means they are estimating about a 9 pound baby -- big, but nothing ridiculous! Sam was about that big (8 pounds, 14 oz to be exact), so it would come as no surprise to me! Besides, I love big, fat, healthy babies -- there is just something about big cheeks and fat rolls that gets me every time. And since I'm having a c-section this time anyway, I don't really need to worry about how much the baby weighs, so bring it on!
Other than that, everything looks good. My blood pressure is still awesome, and I am already 2 centimeters dilated, which I guess means the baby could really come at any time! Even if I go all the way to my scheduled c-section, we are only 13 days I am now officially in countdown mode! It's just crazy to think that in 13 short days, we will welcome a new member of the Brown family. I'm excited and scared and eager and bewildered!
I will keep you all posted -- send me some positive vibes for an easy and fast next two weeks!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

36.5 Weeks!

As of today, I have 26 days left until we welcome our new little one into the world, which makes me about 36.5 weeks along now! I would be a lot more excited, except that I know from experience that these last few weeks are the longest -- time seems to slow down the closer I get to my due date. I'm VERY large (as you can see from the photos I posted above) and highly uncomfortable, but at least the weather has finally started to cool off, which makes hauling this load around a little more bearable! At my last appointment, the doctor said that my blood pressure still looks awesome, which means I'll most likely escape the pre-eclampsia I had with Sam. Still on schedule for a Nov. 1 c-section (yikes...), and just trying to get a few things done before the baby comes (like packing a hospital bag, washing some baby clothes, getting the bassinet set up in the bedroom, etc etc). I'm trying to stay very mellow and Zen about the whole thing, but the excitement and anticipation are starting to get the best of me!! Girl? Boy? Who will he/she look like? What will Sam's reaction be? I just can't wait to find out :)
More to come!