Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Greatest Sound in the World :)

Fiona just laughed for (basically) the first time!!!!!!

Over the past couple of weeks, she has sort of done these tiny giggle things, but tonight while I was bathing her, she full-on belly laughed at me. Of course David wasnt there and I didn't have a camera, but I rushed right out here to record it before I forgot. It is the cutest, sweetest thing you've ever seen -- her little face lights up, her whole body shakes, and the room is filled with these chuckles and squeals of delight.

It is the greatest sound in the world. I could listen to it all day long.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Whenever Sam or Fiona does something for the first time, or has a new cute habit, I often think to myself, "You know, I better make a post about this before I forget, they stop doing it, and it's lost forever!" And then, inevitably, life gets in the way and I don't follow through...but not tonight!

Lately, Sam has been saying "Right now!" -- but not correctly. He says it when he wants to make an emphatic point, and let you know that he really really means something. He will march across the room, put on a very serious face, take a stance, point at you and say (or, more often, SHOUT) something like "I love you, Mommy -- RIGHT NOW!!" or "These pickles are yummy -- RIGHT NOW!!"

It is very cute :)

More to come soon -- including photos of our Christmas!