Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fiona Check-Up

A few days ago, Fiona had her first check-up at the doctor. According to him, everything looks great! She has already gained more than pound since she was born, so even though it is a little frustrating to feel like I am feeding her around the clock, it looks like it is at least doing her some good! It's always nice to have a medical professional reassure you that you're doing an alright job so far. Almost three weeks old and still alive and kickin' --- gold star for Mom and Dad!!

Other than that, we've just been trying to make it through one day at a time. Everyone who told me that going from one kid to two is a tough transition was sugar coating it -- these first few days have rocked my world! Part of that is due to the fact that I've also been recovering from a c-section, which has made otherwise simple actions (like getting up from a seated position!) more difficult, but it's also a little overwhelming to try to balance the all-consuming demands of a newborn with the needs of a high-energy toddler. The thought that Sam would ever feel like Fiona has replaced or displaced him breaks my heart, but I think that David and I have done a great job so far of making sure that he feels included and loved. While he has his moments of jealousy, he is mostly very sweet with her -- he calls her "his baby" and likes to give her kisses and pat her head. The whole thing melts my heart, and there are times when I feel that my chest is not big enough to contain the love I feel for these little souls.

Another adjustment was having David go back to work, which happened a few days ago. He got two weeks of paternity leave, which was awesome, and not having him around the house has been a little rough for me. He is such an enormous help when he's around, and I got very used to being able to depend on him as an extra set of arms to hold Fiona, as well as a shoulder for me to cry on when my hormones are going crazy! Sigh -- I guess I'll have to learn to do it without him!!

In the mornings, I get Sam ready for daycare while David gets ready for work. Then, my two boys leave together, and it's just us girls at home. Since I've finally been cleared by my doctor to drive, I have been trying to have at least one outing a day for me and Fiona, since otherwise I get super stir-crazy. She is definitely not on any sort of routine or schedule yet, which means I am pretty exhausted most days, and despite my best intentions I never seem to be able to stick to the "sleep when the baby sleeps" mantra (is anyone able to actually do this?!). Luckily, since this is not my first rodeo, I have some perspective and can understand that this phase is blessedly short, so I am doing my best to not stress and try to enjoy every minute.

Here are a few new photos to tide you over! :)
First bath at home!
Not sure how she feels about this...
Getting all her crazy hair washed!
Sacked out on the couch...
Chubby little bundle!
Crazy stickin' up hair!
Makin' faces!
Big ol' baby blues :)

This is what we call her "rock'n'roll hair" -- standing straight up!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fiona Charlotte's Debut!

Here is the post you've all been waiting for! For months, David and I have been trying to picture this new little person who was going to join our clan, and everyone else has been driving themselves crazy speculating about whether it was going to be a girl or a boy, and FINALLY, on Monday, Nov. 1st at 1:47 p.m. -- we got to find out.

It was...drumroll, please....a GIRL!!!!!!This came as a surprise to just about everyone, since the prevailing opinion was that it was definitely a boy. Since I had to have a c-section this time, it was David who got to see her come into this world, and the look on his face when the doctor announced that he had a daughter is something I will never forget. In the end, it was a blessing that I had the c-section, since she ended up being quite the little chunker -- weighing in at 9 lbs 6 oz!! She was 20.3 inches long, and had a full head of dark hair. The recovery from the surgery has been a little rocky so far, but I'm taking it one day at a time and trying to remember that the pain will be temporary!

We got home from the hospital on Thursday, and have been adjusting to life with two children ever since! Sam alternates between being incredibly sweet and loving to Fiona, to displaying a huge amount of jealousy. Sometimes he comes up to the baby out of nowhere and says "Love you, 'Ona," and sometimes I catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye and the sadness on his little face just breaks my heart. I know he will adjust in time, and that he will love having a little sister. For right now, we're taking it a day at a time and trying to show him a lot of extra love and attention!

Fiona is a big, juicy delight. She is not on any sort of real schedule yet -- basically eating all day long and sleeping whenever she pleases! David and I are getting to know her, learning more about our little bundle every day. Watching David talk to her and stare at her when he thinks I'm not looking has been the most heartwarming thing...he is completely in love with his baby daughter. I look at her all day long, and wish I could just eat her up. I think about how proud I am of her already, how much she will bring to our family and to the world. I cant wait to uncover her little personality day by day -- just like we did with Sam -- and find out who she really is. I love her more than I can say -- words fail me.

The photos below are in no particular order (I've been having a lot of trouble moving photos around on Blogspot lately), but we hope you enjoy them :)