Friday, May 28, 2010

Sam's Current Strange New Things...

1. His new word -- "minimum." Yes, that's right, the kid says "minimum." I don't think he has any idea what it means, but the first time he said it, I was like "Um, what?!"

2. His new obsession -- Iron Man. How he learned about Iron Man is not 100 percent clear, but several things are obvious. First, Iron Man is "bad, bad." Second, he lives outside. Third, he's very, VERY scary.

3. His new favorite joke -- picking his nose...deeply. I'll turn around to check on him in his car seat while I'm driving, and he'll be knuckle-deep in his nostril, smiling slyly and just waiting for me to see it. Then, he busts out laughing.

4. His new version of a tempter tantrum -- throwing himself on the floor, face-down, and then just laying there. No movement, no crying, total stillness. I'll tell ya, it could be worse.

5. His new favorite movie -- "A Bug's Life." The minute I strap him into his carseat on the way home from daycare, he starts begging...which sounds mostly like "A BUG! A BUG! A BUUUUUUG!"

He's so cute these days, it hurts my heart a little bit!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

28 and Feelin' Great (a few weeks late...)!

So last year I posted a list of things I wanted to do/experience/accomplish in my 27th year, and I have every intention of doing so for 28. Life have overtaken me! I have much to share, and am going to set aside some time tonight to get this blog caught up. See you soon!