Monday, January 28, 2008

8 Week Appointment

Today, I went in for my first actual OB appointment. Nothing huge happened...mostly just medical history questions, vitals check and bloodwork (lots and lots of bloodwork -- like seven or eight vials!!). They did a range of prenatal tests -- everything from gestational diabetes to cystic fibrosis -- and I will get the results of those back sometime next week. My next appointment is going to be a big one -- the first ultrasound! We are so excited to see the first picture of the baby, and will be sure to post it as soon as the appointment is over. The appointment is scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, Feb. 15th, so stay tuned! Love to you all...


PS -- A new belly shot will be posted just as soon as there is some kind of noticeable change! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Baby Appointment

Today, we had our first appointment for the baby...the "OB Orientation!" Basically, it's a bunch of pregnant women and their husbands (or father, in one poor teenage girl's case) in a room together, learning about all the basics of prenatal care - nutrition and vitamins, exercise, and selecting a doctor. David and I decided to select the "Blue Team" option, which basically means that we will get all of our prenatal care from one doctor, and will be seen at all those appointments on base. Then, when it's time to deliver, that same doctor will meet us downtown at a private labor and delivery suite (with a whirlpool bathtub!) at the Nebraska Medical Center. We could've chosen to receive all our prenatal care at an off-base provider, but we decided to go this route so that David would be able to make it to more of the appointments (he really wanted to be there as much as possible!).

Other than that, nothing much to report. I've been feeling great (no morning sickness yet!)...just a little more tired than usual. I'm taking my vitamins religiously, and for the past couple of days, I've been hitting the gym for some aerobic exercise (walking and swimming). Our next appointment is Monday, Jan. 28th, when we'll get our chart started and have some basic bloodwork done. I'll make sure to keep you all up to date!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

6 Week Belly Shot

Here is our first "belly shot" - me at only 6 weeks, right after getting the official results back from the doctor.
It's the start of a great adventure!

It's Confirmed!

David and I just got our results back from the doctor, and it's official -- we're expecting! If we've done the math correctly (which in our case, of course, is a huge "if"), the baby is due sometime in early or mid-September. We're so excited and already counting down! Stay tuned for frequent updates and photos...we love you all!