Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ear Tubes

Sam got his ear tubes put in on Monday, and everything went great. Thanks to all of you who called or emailed to check on him and ask how he's been doing. He was a little off the first day, but now he is all better and back to his old tricks!

A couple of things to note:

First of all, on our way into the hospital to have the surgery done, we heard a gunshot. That's right people...a GUNSHOT. Yet another reason I will not live in Jacksonville. Say what you want about St. Augustine being "boring" or not having good shopping...I personally like my mornings drive-by free.

Also, I think using the word "surgery" when referring to this procedure is misleading. They came to take him away, about two minutes later I turned to David and said "I'm nervous," and right as he was reassuring me that everything was going to be okay, the doctor came back into the room and said "Surgery's over...everything went great." We just stared at him. "I'm sorry, do you have the wrong room, or did we just time travel?" Seriously...four minutes?! That should not be called "surgery"...I didn't even finish one article in the magazine I was reading! It definitely did not merit all the anxiety I had about it.

Lastly, hospitals make you get there WAY too early. Seriously, what is the point of being there two full hours ahead of time? Have they ever tried to hang out with a toddler in an examination room for TWO HOURS?? Apparently not. The worst part of it was that the poor kid wasnt allowed to eat or drink anything, and he didn't understand why. He just kept doing the baby sign for "please" and looking at me pitifully. It was rough.

One piece of good news is that the doctor said that these tubes will allow the fluid in his inner ear to fully clear, which will affect the way he hears things (as in, he will finally hear everything the say he's actually supposed to). That will, in turn, probably affect his language development. He told us not to be surprised if Sam's vocabulary "explodes" over the next couple of months. How fun will that be?!

That's all for to enjoy some guilty, indulgent TV time!

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