Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby Shower!!!

I wanted to write a quick post to thank everyone who came to my baby shower on Sunday, August 17th...everyone was so generous and I had an awesome time! I got tons of stuff I really needed (diapers, onesies, blankets, my baby bedding!) and some really fun stuff too (books, bath toys, stuffed animals, and even a camo patterned onesie/hat/bib set!).
I really want to thank everyone who helped make such a special day possible for me, especially my mom and sister, who went out of their way to plan everything -- sending out invitations, getting the menu put together, ordering the cake, ordering special signs online (like the one in the photo above), the list goes on and on and on. It really meant a lot to me...and to "tiny"/"babin" (the silly nicknames we call the baby)!
I have more photos, but they're on someone else's camera, so as soon as I get them I promise to post them. Thanks again to you all!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

wish I could have been there!
we'll just have to 'shower' you afterwards!