Sunday, April 19, 2009

Another Year Older...

So. Today is my birthday. 27.

Normally, I'm not one to create or expect a huge amount of fanfare on my birthday. "Just another day," I've said before. But this year, I have a different attitude.

A birthday is a day to celebrate you, who you are, what you will become. A birthday is a day for possibilities.

So in that spirit, I've been thinking about what I hope 27 will be for me.

27 will be the year I hear my son say his first word (mama??).
27 will be the year I start my first novel.
27 will be the year I lose those last ten pounds (okay, okay, 15).
27 will be the year I relax, and stop racing some imaginary competitor to achieve more.
27 will be the year I travel abroad again.
27 will be the year I teach Bella how to lay down.
27 will be the year I run a 10k.
27 will be the year I celebrate my fifth year with my husband.
27 will be the year I learn to scuba dive.
27 will be the year I seize the day.

27. I like the sound of that.

1 comment:

Jessey said...

I just love your philosophy! You are much too wise to be so young.