Friday, March 28, 2008

A Quick Update

Wow, I can't believe it's been nearly five weeks since I posted last...I'm so sorry for the delay!! I've been super busy with work and grad school (my semester ends in two weeks...thank goodness), and David is getting ready to deploy (again!), so we've been pretty swamped. We will post a new belly shot this weekend, since things are changing fast! We had another appointment a couple of weeks ago, and everything is still looking great and healthy. Hopefully we'll get a good ultrasound photo at the next appointment, and if so I'll be sure to post it.

Overall, the pregnancy is still progressing really smoothly...I can't believe it's already almost halfway done! The biggest change is that the crazy pregnancy cravings have finally kicked in...every morning I have to get an Everything Bagel with plain cream cheese from Panera, and in the evenings all I want is a plate full of s'mores! I can't even remember the last time I ate a s'more before I was pregnant, but now they're all I think about. Luckily, we have a gas stove, so I can roast my marshmellows right there in the kitchen ;) David thinks the whole thing is hilarious...he calls the baby "The Wizard of Oz," because it's like he's this little man behind a curtain, but he controls everything!

That's all for now, but I will keep you posted! Be on the lookout in the next few days for a new belly shot, and some photos of how the nursery is coming!

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