So these are the last ultrasound photos we will get for this little one. What does everyone think -- boy or girl?? Most people are saying boy, but I have a few who are still thinking girl -- wishful thinking perhaps!
The reason I got to have an ultrasound this late in my pregnancy is because I went in for an appointment yesterday, and I was measuring a bit too big for how far along I am. So my doctor ordered a weight ultrasound, which I had this morning. I had one of these with Sam too, for the very same reason. The tech this morning said that this baby is weighing in at a little more than 8 pounds right now, which puts him/her in about the 92nd percentile for his/her gestational age. They told me that babies tend to put on about half a pound a week from this point on, which means they are estimating about a 9 pound baby -- big, but nothing ridiculous! Sam was about that big (8 pounds, 14 oz to be exact), so it would come as no surprise to me! Besides, I love big, fat, healthy babies -- there is just something about big cheeks and fat rolls that gets me every time. And since I'm having a c-section this time anyway, I don't really need to worry about how much the baby weighs, so bring it on!
Other than that, everything looks good. My blood pressure is still awesome, and I am already 2 centimeters dilated, which I guess means the baby could really come at any time! Even if I go all the way to my scheduled c-section, we are only 13 days out...so I am now officially in countdown mode! It's just crazy to think that in 13 short days, we will welcome a new member of the Brown family. I'm excited and scared and eager and bewildered!
I will keep you all posted -- send me some positive vibes for an easy and fast next two weeks!
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