Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tomorrow my life is going to change.

Tomorrow is my scheduled c-section. My due date is actually Thursday, Nov. 4th, which puts me at about 39.5 weeks. Because I was induced at about 38.5 weeks with Sam, I have literally never been this pregnant. I am big. When I say big, I mean ridiculously, outrageously, I-don't-even-blame-people-for-asking-if-I'm-having-multiples huge.

To demonstrate my point, here are two photos of my belly from tonight's trick or treating adventure (read on for details about that...)!

As you can imagine, with this massive size comes massive discomfort on many levels. I am READY to have this baby. My countdown started days ago, but now that there are literally only hours left (14, to be precise), the gravity of what is about to happen is finally starting to hit me.
Tomorrow, I will become a mother again. Tomorrow, I will make David a father again, and Sam a big brother. Tomorrow, I will meet the person who has been growing inside me -- kicking me, frustrating me, amazing me -- for nine long months. Tomorrow, I will transform our family. Tomorrow, my heart will explode with love and joy and gratitude. Tomorrow is going to be one of the happiest days of my life.
Tomorrow, everything will change.
I can't wait.

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