My parents decided to give Sam one of those awesome wooden playgrounds for the backyard, and man has he been loving that thing lately! Let me tell you -- they have come a long way from the rickety metal swingsets of my childhood. This thing has not only swings, but a sandbox, slide, rings, a fort (complete with steering wheel and periscope) and a rock wall.

David put it together (with the help of our great neighbor Ryan), and we caught some pictures of his first time playing on it.
PS -- Don't judge me for his crazy outfit. It was morning, so he was still in his pajamas, but he had just eaten breakfast and gotten stuff all over his shirt so I took it off. Socks and shoes were mandatory, especially since our backyard has recently been taken over by fire ants (we're working on it).
So my point is, do not let the outfit distract you from the sweet, happy, earnest adorableness!!!
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