So we celebrated quite the milestone a couple of weeks ago -- SAMUEL TURNED ONE! I can't believe it, it still makes me tear up a little bit. A whole year has gone by since the day they put him in my arms and said "Say hello to your son." A whole year has passed since the hardships and struggles of the early days -- the postpartum pain, the shockingly traumatic colic, the soul-breaking sleep deprivation. A whole year, which taught me and changed me in ways I didn't know possible...a whole year, more full of surprises and magic than I could have imagined, has flown by. A whole year -- it is impossible, and yet it's happened. My baby is officially a toddler.
We had a great little party -- my family was here, my neighbors (the lovely Striplings) came by, and my best friend Melissa came in from out of town. There were burgers and hot dogs and a monkey cake (read on for photos of that one!), and presents galore. Daddy even called right in the middle of the festivities, and got to sing "Happy Birthday" to Sam with the rest of us. It was a lovely, easy, fun afternoon. Thanks to everyone who came, and everyone who helped me pull it off. Enjoy the photos!!

The birthday boy in all his glory!
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