So I don't really have anything particularly important or witty to say -- just lookin' forward to my three-day weekend (NO PLANS!), and counting down the days until David gets home (15!).
I'm just kind of in a good mood, so I wanted to blog about it so it wasn't lost forever! I feel like the next few months of my life are going to be really fun and exciting. I have two concerts lined up in October (Brad Paisley with David and Bonnie Raitt with my mom and sister), a trip to Disney World to have the baby's hair cut at the barbershop in the Magic Kingdom (hmmm, whose idea do you think that was?!), Halloween (Samuel = monkey, David and I = characters from "Mad Men"), a possible visit in November from our good friends the Frazers, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Ireland (for that awful made-up holiday in February!)...that's a lot of life to fit into five months, and I couldn't be happier about it!
Another thing making me strangely happy these past few weeks is that I am feeling very committed to my newest effort to get back in shape. Together, my mom and I joined Weight Watchers (the only program that I think is truly workable for your whole life), and I have been really trying to incorporate some form of physical activity into every day. So far, I've lost more than four pounds (which, when you're only trying to lose 15 or so, is a big deal!), and I feel pretty awesome. I'll keep you posted on my progress...maybe putting it all out there on this blog will help to keep me honest! 135 lbs or bust!
It's 9 p.m. and I promised myself I would get to bed early tonight (a promise I break about...oh, every single night). More to come ;)