Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Family Portraits

So today at 5:30 p.m., we are taking our first official family portrait. I've hired the same photographer who did Samuel's first shots (which I realize I haven't posted yet...I don't have them electronically, so a long afternoon of scanning is ahead of me one of these days). We'll be taking them on the beach, and we're doing the whole suburban yuppie matching thing...all wearing jeans and white shirts (don't judge, you know you think it's cute).

I just knew that I had to get this done before David deployed. I'm usually really bad about these kinds of things...which is evidenced by the fact that Sam's baby book is still sitting, half completed, waiting for me to find the time to fill it out! It's not that I don't, it's not that at ALL. It's just that these kinds of things (taking pictures, taking video, making keepsakes) fall by the wayside for me because I'm so caught up in the moment of actually BEING, so I don't think to DOCUMENT. Does that make sense??

Anyway, I'm really excited...she's a great photographer (Kate Gardiner --, and I just know the photos are going to look fantastic on my "family photo wall" (another project I have yet to get started on!). As soon as I get them back, I'll get some posted...

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