Friday, February 4, 2011


Houston, we have POOP.

This is definitely not something I ever thought I'd be so excited to post online for all the world to see, but finally, finally, FINALLY -- after many weeks of encouragement and bribery -- SAM POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!

Seriously people, you would've thought we'd won the lottery in this house. We've had him peeing in the potty for quite some time, but for some reason, poop was a hurdle that he just couldn't seem to overcome. The proud look on his little face while David and I clapped, yelled and jumped up and down for him today is something I will never forget. Immediately after pulling his pants back up, he got a very serious look on his face, pointed right at me, and reminded me of the bribe I'd been making him for weeks.

"I get ice cream, Mommy."

Yes, you do, buddy. This is just one more step towards Sam becoming a kid instead of a baby. He is growing up so fast, in so many ways. I am so, so proud of him!!