Sunday, June 13, 2010

28 (Two Months Late)

The fact that my annual birthday post is two months late this month should tell you something about the state of my life. Seriously, who has time to keep up with a blog when you work full-time, your husband is deployed, you have a VERY active toddler, and you're in a demanding and never-ending graduate school program?!? And yet, here I am -- I refuse to give up, because I think of this blog as a sort of journal, photo album, baby book and memoir all in one. Someday, my kids and I will look back on this, and be glad I kept it up!

So here we are...talking about what I want my 28th year to be. With two months already gone, I'm going to have to be selective and serious about my list -- not much time to get it done in! But first, let's take a minute to review last year's list. I did hear my son say his first word ("up"), start my first novel (if you count five pages as a start...but I'll take it!), lose the fifteen extra pounds I was carrying around (very proud of that one), travel abroad again (Ireland, baby!), celebrate my fifth year with my husband (and what a year it was!), and I got a whole heck of a lot better at seizing the day.

I did not, however, do the following -- relax and stop racing to achieve more (not sure I'll ever master that one), teach Bella to lay down (lost cause?), run a 10k (uhhh...still trying to think of an excuse for this one...I'll get back to you), or learn to scuba dive. So, all in all, I was less than successful in totally completing my list, but hey -- it's a learning process right??

So on to this year. 28. I can't believe it. Is this when I start to "get old?" High school kids have completed the transition to viewing me as "one of them" rather than "one of us." I haven't been to a club in at least three years. I moisturize. I am a mother. I know what tax brackets are, and which one I'm in. Sad as I am to say it, I think it's official. I am an adult.

But that's okay -- I'm happy where I'm at. My life has taken wonderful and unexpected turns, and led me to right where I am supposed to be. But that doesn't mean I can't keep looking forward, working for more, dreaming.

So, without further ado, here it what I hope 28 will be for me:

28 will be the year I take on more responsibility at work and move towards the next step in my career -- whatever that step may be!

28 will be the year I run a 5k (notice, I'm getting more realistic!)

28 will be the year I finish my required military training, Squadron Officer School (been putting it off for a year!).

28 will be the year I paint at least a couple of rooms in this sterile, hospital-white house.

28 will be the year I lay on the beach more.

28 will be the year I get control of my closet...for once!

28 will be the year I stop biting my nails (ugh...dreading this one...I've tried 1,000 times).

28 will be the year I learn to drive a stick shift -- not sure how this has evaded me for so long, or how I will learn, but for heaven's's time to know!

Notice, there is nothing about sky-diving, scuba diving, or weight loss ;) That is because, most importantly --

28 will be the year I welcome my second child into the world!!!

That's right folks, I am PREGNANT! Nearly halfway done, believe it or not. Cautiously optimistic in the beginning, David and I are now drunk with joy, wonder, hope and, of course, love. We can't wait to see who this new little person will be, and what he or she will bring to our family. We are blessed beyond words, beyond what we deserve. This is the gift that will make my 28th year one of the very best in my entire life, and I am so very grateful for it.

So here's to 28...I know it will exceed my wildest dreams!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh, $#*+!


Sam just taught me a very valuable lesson -- in public -- about watching my language from here on out.

Let's just leave it at that.