Monday, November 2, 2009

First Shower

I can't tell you how many times I have told this kid to "stay out of Mommy and Daddy's shower!" So finally, we decided to just let him try it, thinking that maybe he wouldn't like it and it would act as a deterrent. Take a look at the adorableness that ensued. You can officially call me "Captain Backfire."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Now, if this isn't the cutest monkey you've ever seen, I think I'm going to have to call you a liar!! Although this wasn't Sam's first Halloween (last year, you'll remember, he was an adorable bumble bee), this was his first trick-or-treat experience...and what a dramatic night it turned out to be!

Because of how hot it was (yay, Florida!), and since his costume was pretty furry, we dressed him up and let him run around inside for awhile, getting used to his costume and letting us take tons of photos. The cutest thing was when he saw his own reflection in the mirror -- he thought it was hilarious! He giggled and pointed and clapped -- whether he understood it was him or was laughing at that goofy baby dressed as a monkey, I'll never know, but it was adorable.

As most of you know, this kid is a great sleeper (thank God) and will fall asleep -- come hell or high water -- by 7 p.m. So we ended up going trick-or-treating at about 6:30 (which is why it's still daytime in all the photos!). He was already exhausted, so we mostly just pushed him around in his stroller. He didn't really understand the whole thing, we found a coiled up pygmy rattlesnake on one of the front porches (near death experience for the year? check), and I started to get really sick (which has now been diagnosed as strep throat). For all these reasons, as well as the fact that I'm on Weight Watchers and not super into the idea of gorging myself on candy, we only ended up hitting five houses before we called it a night.

Next year, he'll be older and able to stay up later, I won't be dying of strep, the neighborhood wont be infested with venomous snakes (hopefully), and it won't be so hot. Next year, more candy, more houses, more more more. But for this year, given everything that happened, I think we were troopers! Enjoy the photos :)

Monkey and Mommy :)

"Do you see this crazy monkey kid in the mirror?! Who is that nut??"

Happy Monkey!

Monkey and Daddy :)
He's pretty much always yelling, this one.

Pushing his own stroller. Why?? Because he's independent, that's why. He can do it himself. And don't you forget it ;)
Finally getting the hang of actually getting the candy out of the bowl...
"Hey, where'd my candy go?!"

Our very scary pumpkins (both carved by David)...and Sam's little painted pumpkin!