Something I recently posted on Facebook -- some random stuff about me!
1.) I can list all fifty states in alphabetical order.
2.) For my 27th birthday, I am going to learn to scuba dive.
3.) I don't like bacon.
4.) My husband and I eloped on a Friday night seven months before our actual planned wedding. Immediately afterward, we went out for sushi.
5.) I was bitten by a brown recluse when I was eight, and now I'm a terrible arachnophobe.
6.) I was in the Super Bowl XXV halftime show. The Buffalo Bills played the New York Giants. To put into perspective how long ago that was, the surprise halftime show guest was New Kids on the Block.
7.) I go by my middle name (most people don't even know my first name).
8.) My favorite song is "Layla" by Eric Clapton.
9.) I still get embarrassed when people say "thank you for your service." The only response I can ever think of is "You're welcome," which always sounds dumb.
10.) I went to high school in Seoul, South Korea. My senior superlative was "Most Talkative."
11.) I can't touch cotton balls. Seriously, even the thought of it gives me cold sweats.
12.) My favorite food is cheese.
13.) I have an out of control thing for Robert Redford. Yes, I know he's ancient now...but work with me here. I'm talking "Barefoot in the Park" Robert Redford..."The Way We Were" Robert Redford..."Out of Africa" Robert Redford. Yum.
14.) I moved ten times before college.
15.) I hate the word "moist."
16.) I am notorious for doing stupid things when it comes to large machinery. In college, I got a flat tire and threw the whole wheel away. A year later, my car needed oil and I spent nearly an hour in the parking lot of a gas station trying to pour oil down the dipstick hole out of a Dixie cup (because I didn't know there was another place to pour it). In the yard of the first house I owned, I rode the riding lawnmower into the fence. Not too long after that, I backed our boat into a wooden dock with the prop up going full speed, sending chunks of the dock flying and breaking the prop in the process.
17.) I was in labor with my son, Samuel, for 31 hours. He was born at 3 a.m. Afterwards, I had my husband get me a Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal, and then the three of us slept all day.
18.) In 2007, I had LASIK. It changed my life.
19.) I had to get my ears pierced in the same place three separate times. The first two times, they closed up almost immediately.
20.) I think that people who aren't afraid to fly just don't really understand what's going on.
21.) When I grow up, I want to be a travel writer.
22.) I'm opposed to the death penalty.
23.) I don't really like the rain, but I love umbrellas and galoshes (in part because I think the words are fun to say).
24.) I hope to one day adopt a child.
25.) "Wistful" is one of my favorite emotions. The following things make me wistful -- red doors, church bells, postcards, small wooden fishing boats, Coke from a bottle, Irish accents, the Empire State building, peacoats, sepia-toned photographs, songs by Damien Rice, cobblestone streets, trees with Spanish moss, bagpipes, trains, lighthouses, flip flops, fireflies...