I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and the doctor said the baby looks great. I'm measuring right on target, weight gain is still good (well, by "good" I mean not completely and totally out of control), heart rate is right where it should be and he or she is already head down (hopefully going to fully engage in the pelvis soon...I could really use the extra breathing room, and I'm pretty over getting kicked in the ribs all day long!).
A little bit of bad news -- the doctor thinks that there is a possibility that I have pre-eclampsia, a condition in pregnancy that is characterized by high blood pressure and can be pretty serious if left untreated. I'm exhibiting a few of the symptoms (high blood pressure in a person with no history of that, protein in the urine, mild swelling, etc), and my mom had it while she was pregnant with me, which increases my risk. So basically, they're going to do some tests Wednesday to find out for sure, and after that we'll go from there. If I do have it, I will have to be monitored more closely (probably at least weekly visits), and may have to be induced early (since the only "cure" for pre-eclampsia is delivering the baby). So please keep me and the baby in your thoughts and prayers for the next few days. Hopefully the tests will all come back fine and everything will progress normally, but if not maybe Baby Brown will be making his or her debut sooner than we thought!
That's it for now...hope everyone else is doing well. Love you all!!
PS -- My good friend (and cyber-stalker) Jessey actually crocheted me a baby blanket, which just blows my mind because (as a completely un-handy/crafty person myself) I am totally amazed by anyone who can actually make something useful and beautiful!! I've pasted a picture of it below, because it is SO cute, and it's also her first baby blanket, so she is rightfully proud of it! Thanks so much, Jessey...Baby Brown will love sleeping under it (and, as you can see from the photo, Chloe is a fan as well)!!