For those of you who haven't already heard, David's beloved grandfather passed away on Christmas morning. Samuel and I arrived in Atlanta in the late afternoon on Christmas Eve, and we were able to visit with him during one of his last wakeful periods. He laughed, made jokes and played with the baby, and then he went back to sleep. He died peacefully, in his sleep, between 4 and 5 a.m.
Raymond Rother Ivey was faithful, patriotic, and devoted to his family. He was spirited, sly and quick with a joke. I never heard him raise his voice in anger, and he never let an opportunity pass by to let the people in his life know what they meant to him. He was the anchor of his family, and he loved his wife in a way that we rarely see in this world anymore. As one of the strongest guiding influences in David's life, he showed him what it means to be a man and how to treat a woman. I will always be grateful to him for that.
During his funeral service, there was time set aside for anyone who wanted to say a few words to remember him. I wanted to get up to say something, but grief swelled up in my throat. Had I been able to speak, I would have said that Granddaddy Ivey meant the world to me. He welcomed me into his family with open arms, and I loved him like he was my own grandfather. He inspired me with his devotion to his family, his love of his country, and his unwavering faith in God. I hope and pray that I will be able to live my life and raise my son in a way that would make him proud.
He was a truly great man. I miss him already.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Skinny Little Man
Samuel has started to seem a little better...his fever is down below 100 degrees, and he doesn't seem as listless anymore. He had another appointment with the doctor this morning...he listened to his lungs and said that the breathing treatments seem to be working. He also said that RSV is a virus that likes to hang around for a long time, so it could be a couple more weeks before Samuel is back to 100 percent. Guess we'll just have to hang in there! Right now, my main concern is that he hasn't really gotten his appetite back. At his appointment today, we found out that he's lost nine ounces since doesn't seem like a lot, but when you only weight 15 lbs, 6 oz to begin with, it is! The doctor doesn't seem concerned...he said it's normal for sick babies to lose their appetite and lose weight, but that Samuel isn't exhibiting any signs of dehydration, so he should be okay. Thanks to everyone for their concern...I'll continue to keep you all in the loop!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Poor Baby...
Quick update -- Samuel is still really sick. I took him to the doctor this morning after his fever spiked overnight, mostly because I was concerned that he wasn't eating and was going to get seriously dehydrated. The doctor listened to his lungs and said that the virus was definitely deep in there...he gave us a nebulizer and we now have to give the poor baby breathing treatments (the same kind they give people with asthma) every four hours for the next week. He wears this little mask (oh boy, does he just LOVE that) looks like a little fish, which I guess is supposed to make the whole thing "fun" (it doesn't work). He is also on a decongestant, Tylenol and amoxicillin (for an ear infection...could more stuff go wrong?!). Keeping up with all his dosages has become such a challenge that we're keeping a chart to make sure we don't get mixed up!! His RSV is so contagious that the doctor doesn't want him back in daycare until at least next week, so my mom is going to be staying home with him over the next four days. Thank God for my family...I am still so new at work and so many things have happened that required me to take time off (pregnancy complications, the birth, my recent surgery, etc)...I really don't think I could've asked for any more time off. I can't say it enough -- I just don't know what I would do without my family's help during this time. They are the best...the BEST! I'll keep you all updated...please say a prayer for my little man tonight!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Just a quick request to ask everyone to keep Samuel in your thoughts and prayers right now...he is very sick with a respiratory virus called RSV ("Respiratory Syncytial Virus"). We spent all day yesterday in the emergency room, where they took X-rays and drew blood (which was a horrible experience...they couldn't get a vein and the whole ordeal ended up taking an hour...poor Samuel screamed and cried the whole was awful). Right now, he is at home, feeling miserable and breaking my heart with his hot, pink cheeks and weak little cries. If his breathing gets any more labored, or his fever gets any higher, we are going to take him to the children's hospital up in Jax. I'll keep you posted...please pray for him to be as comfortable as possible and to recover quickly!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
New Favorite Toy
I have to give a quick shout-out to my sister-in-law, Rebekah, for passing along her daughter Taryn's travel play mat, which has turned into Samuel's very favorite toy. A few photos of him enjoying it are below...look at that smile! Thanks, Rebekah (and Taryn)!!

One Little Indian...
Happy (ridiculously) belated Thanksgiving to everyone out there! This year's holiday was extra special for me, since it was my first one with my little man, who I love more and more with every passing day. Also, David flew in to spend the long weekend with us, and sitting around the table with my husband, my son and the rest of my family made me realize how truly blessed I am. There is nothing that I am more thankful for than all the special people in my life who support me, make me laugh and give me regular reality checks to keep me from going off the deep end. To count my blessings, and to honor the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, a short (and NOT all-inclusive) list of other things I'm grateful for is below:
- 70 degree weather in December (take that, Omaha!)
- Bella and Chloe, my crazy dogs...they might be naughty, but they've got spunk (and there are few qualities I value more than spunk!)
- Luli's, the adorable new cupcake store downtown
- Being seven pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight (and thus, 17 pounds away from my goal weight...but let's not focus on that until after Christmas!!)
- Finally owning a four bedroom our houseguests won't have to sleep in a "guest room/office" (of course, we'll need to get some houseguests first...anyone? anyone?)
- The new teak armoire I bought last week at an import's one-of-a-kind, people!
- Big new favorite show...if you've never watched it, you need to get with the program (pardon the pun). Polygamy has never seemed so quaint!
- The rights that come with being an American (seriously...enough said)
- The church bells that ring downtown every day at noon
- The sound of my son's laugh
So much has happened over the past couple of weeks...I have lots more to catch you all up on, so stay tuned!! But for now, to re-focus on my most precious blessing, here are some photos of Samuel in his Thanksgiving headdress, which he made at daycare (and by "he," I of course mean "his teachers"). Enjoy!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Nights of Lights 2008
Just a quick post because these photos are too cute to not get up right away! Last night, Samuel, my mom, my sister, my two nephews (Lucas and Daniel) and I all went into beautiful, historic downtown St. Augustine for the opening ceremony of 2008 Nights of Lights. Any of you who have been to St. Augustine know that every fall, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, a festival of sorts is held in the town square and the mayor presides over a ceremony to light up the millions (literally, there are millions) of twinkly white Christmas lights that illuminate the city through the end of the year. It's a great time...people giving out free cups of hot apple cider, bands and singers playing live holiday music, and local artists displaying and selling their art. It really got me into the holiday spirit. The square was packed (PACKED) with people....all us wimpy Floridians with scarves and hats on in 55 degree weather...and we all count down from 10 until we are standing under a canopy of twinkly little stars hung throughout the branches of palm trees and live oaks.
I love this city.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Baby Gator
Long Overdue!
Wow, I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I updated this...SO much has happened! At the end of October, Samuel and I made the three-day trip from Omaha to St. Augustine, which was quite the adventure! My mom flew out to Omaha to make the drive with me, and thank goodness...I wouldn't have made it without her! Along the way, we stopped overnight in St. Louis and Atlanta, where we got to see David's family. They are always so gracious and welcoming, and this particular visit was truly phenomenal, because his grandmother introduced me to the sinfully delicious Paula Deen Gooey Butter Cake (Google it, will change your life).
We got back to St. Augustine in early November, and spent a couple of days getting settled before I went back to work full-time for the Florida National Guard on the 4th. That was Samuel's first full day at daycare (he went for about four hours the day before, in an effort to "ease him in"), and a hard one for me! But the transition back to work has gradually gotten easier, and it really makes it so much easier knowing that I have him in such a good place...all that research my mom and I did really paid off! The Village Academy is a great place, and the ladies in his classroom are completely sweet and patient and love babies to bits...exactly the kind of people I want my little man with all day! They have this curriculum, and are always playing and singing songs and doing projects. In fact, Samuel already had his first homework assignment -- to create a "feather" that depicts the things he is thankful for this fall. A picture of it is below -- as you can see, he is thankful for his family (me, David and our dogs...and for the fact that he recently got to dress up for his first Halloween!). The teacher's in his classroom hung up all the feather's as part of the Thanksgiving Turkey's's so cute!
Other than that, we are getting closer and closer to finishing the house we're building here (we have our closing set for Wednesday, Dec. 17th), and David is (hopefully!) just MOMENTS away from getting a job as a navigator in the Florida National Guard's Counterdrug program (stationed in Jacksonville). Being apart has been especially hard this time...we're used to separations, but now that Samuel is here, it seems much harder. David misses him like crazy, and we're so anxious to be all together again. If everything goes according to plan, he could be down here in early January, and we could start the new year with our new baby in our new home -- in Florida!! It would be so fantastic...what we've been hoping and praying for all this time. Keep us in your thoughts, and keep your fingers crossed for us.
Now Samuel and I are just counting the days until we get to see David for Thanksgiving (only four days now!). We can't wait to spend time together...even if it is only for three days. After all, when you only get to see each other for three days every two months, every moment counts! It will be a beautiful thing to see David hold his son again...
I hope this catches everyone up, and once again -- I'm SORRY for how long it took me! Although really...I have an infant, I work full time, I'm building a house, and I'm doing it all on my own since I'm separated from my husband! I'm overworked, overstressed and overtired...cut me some slack, people!! ;) Seriously, I'll try to do better from now on...stay tuned for some photos!!
We got back to St. Augustine in early November, and spent a couple of days getting settled before I went back to work full-time for the Florida National Guard on the 4th. That was Samuel's first full day at daycare (he went for about four hours the day before, in an effort to "ease him in"), and a hard one for me! But the transition back to work has gradually gotten easier, and it really makes it so much easier knowing that I have him in such a good place...all that research my mom and I did really paid off! The Village Academy is a great place, and the ladies in his classroom are completely sweet and patient and love babies to bits...exactly the kind of people I want my little man with all day! They have this curriculum, and are always playing and singing songs and doing projects. In fact, Samuel already had his first homework assignment -- to create a "feather" that depicts the things he is thankful for this fall. A picture of it is below -- as you can see, he is thankful for his family (me, David and our dogs...and for the fact that he recently got to dress up for his first Halloween!). The teacher's in his classroom hung up all the feather's as part of the Thanksgiving Turkey's's so cute!
Other than that, we are getting closer and closer to finishing the house we're building here (we have our closing set for Wednesday, Dec. 17th), and David is (hopefully!) just MOMENTS away from getting a job as a navigator in the Florida National Guard's Counterdrug program (stationed in Jacksonville). Being apart has been especially hard this time...we're used to separations, but now that Samuel is here, it seems much harder. David misses him like crazy, and we're so anxious to be all together again. If everything goes according to plan, he could be down here in early January, and we could start the new year with our new baby in our new home -- in Florida!! It would be so fantastic...what we've been hoping and praying for all this time. Keep us in your thoughts, and keep your fingers crossed for us.
Now Samuel and I are just counting the days until we get to see David for Thanksgiving (only four days now!). We can't wait to spend time together...even if it is only for three days. After all, when you only get to see each other for three days every two months, every moment counts! It will be a beautiful thing to see David hold his son again...
I hope this catches everyone up, and once again -- I'm SORRY for how long it took me! Although really...I have an infant, I work full time, I'm building a house, and I'm doing it all on my own since I'm separated from my husband! I'm overworked, overstressed and overtired...cut me some slack, people!! ;) Seriously, I'll try to do better from now on...stay tuned for some photos!!
Here's Sam's feather -- it was definitely one of the most colorful! :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Baby's First Halloween :)
Today, I am so grateful for David's squadron...because they decided to have a Halloween party! For a couple of weeks I've been pretty bummed out that Samuel wasn't going to get to have a "first Halloween," since we're going to be on the road this Friday night (on our way back to Florida). Now, I know that there are those of you out there who would argue that a two-month old doesn't know what he's missing, and so it isn't that big a deal for him to miss this holiday/milestone. But here's the problem with that logic -- I know that's he's missing the holiday/milestone! I kept thinking about how he'll never be this tiny again, and how adorable he would be all dressed up, and how much David and I were going to wish we had those memories.
But thank goodness, the squadron came along and saved the day, and we got tons of photos of him as the cutest bumblebee you'll ever see! Not only that, but he actually won the costume contest for his age group (babies up to one year old), which made me a very proud mama. Just the first of many awards to come, I'm sure! Enjoy the photos, and Happy Halloween to all of you from us! :)

Say "bees!" :)

My sly little man!

Mommy and Bee :)

With proud!

The only bumblebee you'll ever want to hug :)
But thank goodness, the squadron came along and saved the day, and we got tons of photos of him as the cutest bumblebee you'll ever see! Not only that, but he actually won the costume contest for his age group (babies up to one year old), which made me a very proud mama. Just the first of many awards to come, I'm sure! Enjoy the photos, and Happy Halloween to all of you from us! :)
Say "bees!" :)
My sly little man!
Mommy and Bee :)
With proud!
The only bumblebee you'll ever want to hug :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
First Big Georgia Game Day!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Baby Whisperer
So I am writing this as Samuel is down for a nap -- a scheduled nap in his crib. After six weeks of winging it and just trying to get from sun-up to sun-down with no major meltdowns or incidents requiring hospitalization (for me, that is), David and I have started trying to get Samuel on some semblance of a schedule. My mom sent me a book -- "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg, a nurse and nanny who is to babies what Cesar Milan is to dogs. She advocates getting babies in a "routine" -- not exactly a schedule (since it is more flexible), but something predictable. According to her, babies thrive on predictability (especially "touchy" babies like my little man), and she outlines a four-step routine known as EASY -- with alloted time for eating, activity, sleeping and "you" (meaning ME!).
We started this yesterday, and I must admit that we didn't exactly follow her advice to the letter. After numerous attempts at getting Samuel to go back to sleep in his crib in the middle of the night, I finally broke down out of sheer exhaustion and tucked him into bed with us, which is a HUGE no-no from her standpoint (okay, okay, leave me alone...I'm not proud of it!). Other than that, though, the attempt at getting him in a routine has gone pretty well so far -- I am keeping a log to learn his natural rhythm, and I'm starting to learn how to read some of his "cues" (like how I better get him in a dimly lit, quiet room by his third yawn, or all hell will break loose because he is overtired and overstimulated). Please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that we get this schedule thing down before I go back to work -- it would be so wonderful if he were able to get into a routine that allowed him to sleep better through the night by then!
So since I am supposed to be spending my "you" time while he is asleep, I'm going to go and watch some TV or take a power nap or something, but I wanted to fill you all in on what's going on with us! Some new photos are below...enjoy!
What the heck is this pig doing on my wrist?!?! (PS -- it's a rattle)
My little man -- not so little, all stretched out :)
Making a statement!
This is what happens when we try to have "tummy time"!
We started this yesterday, and I must admit that we didn't exactly follow her advice to the letter. After numerous attempts at getting Samuel to go back to sleep in his crib in the middle of the night, I finally broke down out of sheer exhaustion and tucked him into bed with us, which is a HUGE no-no from her standpoint (okay, okay, leave me alone...I'm not proud of it!). Other than that, though, the attempt at getting him in a routine has gone pretty well so far -- I am keeping a log to learn his natural rhythm, and I'm starting to learn how to read some of his "cues" (like how I better get him in a dimly lit, quiet room by his third yawn, or all hell will break loose because he is overtired and overstimulated). Please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that we get this schedule thing down before I go back to work -- it would be so wonderful if he were able to get into a routine that allowed him to sleep better through the night by then!
So since I am supposed to be spending my "you" time while he is asleep, I'm going to go and watch some TV or take a power nap or something, but I wanted to fill you all in on what's going on with us! Some new photos are below...enjoy!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Happier Baby??
Here are some new photos of Samuel -- six weeks old today! He now weighs in at a little more than twelve pounds (what can I say, the boy is hungry!), and the big development over the past week is that he has started smiling!! It's really hard to get the camera to work at the exact moment that a smile is gracing his face, but we're trying. Our best efforts are below. On another note, Samuel wants to make sure to give a birthday shout-out to his grandpa and namesake (my dad, Patrick)! More info and photos to come -- stay tuned!
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